
Sunday, 8 December 2013

The lost bananas.

Yes, we have no bananas
Yes, we have no bananas (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It was such a surprising event. I was puzzled about it for days. And still think about it.

We were out of bananas to go with my morning cereal. So I bought a small bunch of them and within 5 minutes I was back home.

The next morning at breakfast there were no bananas. I searched everywhere I could think of. Finally I looked in the pocket of the jacket where I had carried them. No bananas.

 I looked around the kitchen and utility room for places where I might thoughtlessly have put them down. Still no bananas.

Did I stop anywhere on the way home from the greengrocer's?
Banana Protest
Banana Protest (Photo credit: K W Reinsch)

Only at the front door!

Then I remembered that I had spoken briefly to someone who was passing.

So I went outside to see if there were any bananas left there outside the house.  No bananas.

The matter was becoming a mystery.

Had the bananas fallen out of my pocket somewhere on the way home?

 They were in the large pocket under my left arm entered from inside the jacket. (This jacket dates from 1990!)
I would have noticed if the weight under my arm suddenly vanished. And surely I would have heard them fall and probably tripped over them. I would have irrevocably NOTICED.

So maybe I did not put the bananas into the pocket. Maybe I left them in the greengrocer's.
Surely the customers waiting behind me to pay would have told me.
Anyway, I remembered that it was not easy to get them into the pocket.

 I remembered there was a slight delay at the counter while I got the bananas into the pocket and fastened the button.

So I didn't leave them at the greengrocer's! Where are they?

Have I completely lost my bananas?

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