
Monday, 1 February 2016

Written and not published: a lost banana, indeed.

Javea International Tennis Club

Friday’s Piece for Costa Blanca News of Friday, 5th December, 2003 

from Vernon Hall Tel 96 6493351
Did not appear – e-mail not received

Javea International Tennis Club Notes by Cheyenne Anonymous 

Bruce McNeely had most points amongst the men while Netty and Jennifer were equal on points in last Friday’s monthly tournament. In order to have new names appearing in this report the committee have decreed that the above members should change their names by deed poll ready for next year. Any suggestions for their new names should be forwarded to the members concerned.

Our annual Dinner Dance for members and their guests was held last night. First in order of precedence among the guests was Prince Racket, aka Thunderdome, and next the beknighted Sir Vice, closely followed by Second Sir Vice. Then yet another knight, the lisping Sir T. Hall. And another elevated guest, M. Pius Chair, with one of his acolytes, Lyne Djurch, and her former friend, the lady tennis professional, Ida N’Bilivit (known in Spain as Donna Bilivit ). Next came the teenager, Viv T.N. Love, and her boy-friend Weir Lovall. 

Lastly there came three great characters:
Terry Bull-Slice, followed by Vic (short for Vicious) Volley, and his stepson, Wick ( short for Wicked ) Half-Volley.

Photos of all these famous players, mounted in old gold racquet frames, are available from the Club shop with the usual generous discounts available on showing your residencia, driving licence, birth certificate, and certified bill from a telephone or electric supplier.

Our esteemed coach, Slam Hiddunk, is on Christmas Shopping leave this week, but will be back next week suggesting Christmas gifts for tennis players. 

Further information about us from Carol David, JITC Secretary, 96 6471652. Slam says we need some fast women, but in any case, male or female, if you have experience and would like to join us, get in touch.  Our Jolly Invigorating Tennis Club plays at La Sella, Pedreguer, just coastward of the N332, just north of Montgo, at least on Tuesdays 10 –2, Wednesdays 2-till dark, and Fridays 10-2.

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